An Adulterant is a “Foreign Substances either ingested or added directly to a urine specimen to prevent the detection of drug use.”
Mobile Medical Corporation (MMC), a Pittsburgh Drug Testing firm has been following this story and continually monitors the news outlets for other incidents of drug test cheating. In October, MMC reported on our "Drug Free" blog about how fake urine is manufactured and sold in novelty and gag shops to defeat drug testing. A laboratory in Nashville concluded that in a sample testing performed on a target group that synthetic urine was used nearly 80 times in the past three years to try and beat drug tests.
Also posted earlier on MMC’s site is a blog about a Pittsburgh federal judge who sentenced Gerald Willis of Los Angeles, California to 6 months for manufacturing the "Whizzanator" - a device used for cheating drug tests. The device utilized synthetic urine and could be used by both men and women. Willis's partner Robert Catalano is facing a three year probationary period.