Last week, an all but routine breathalyzer test of a Denver area city heavy equipment operator turned into an unprofessional farce when the testing machine used for a random alcohol test lacked the paper to print out the employee's failed test results . Without the state required testing print out, The hearing judge ruled that the failed test was invalid and the employee could return to work! This same employee a few months ago also failed a random drug test by having cocaine in his system, this violation landed him in treatment and with an agreement to keep clean, he got to keep his job then too. With the economy and the unemployment rate the way it is and the dangerous situation he is putting himself and others in - this guy must like pushing his luck! When it comes to job site and workplace safety, employers should make sure that they are using a professional substance abuse administrator like Mobile Medical Corporation (MMC) whose services comply with all testing requirements and certifications. Mobile Medical Corporation ... Keeping You Out Of The "Paper Jam!"