SkillCheck™ is Mobile Medical Corporation's state-of-the-art web based solution that tracks and verifies a worker’s skill-sets, credentials, substance abuse tests, occupational healthcare exams, certifications, trainings and much more. SkillCheck utilizes a secure, passcode protected login system that permits approved users to verify employee credentials twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.
- SkillCheck is easy to use- A computer and Internet access is all you need!
- MMC's SkillCheck eliminates repetitive testing and provides a measurable cost savings.
- Smart, in-depth training for all new users during each new programs start up period!
- Customizable interface for your company's website based on compatible technology
- Robust reporting for focused job site placement
Contact Mobile Medical Corporation (MMC) today to see how you can enhance your company's "Drug Free" workplace initiative with SkillCheck!
Mobile Medical Corporation (MMC)
Providing On-Site Industrial Medical Services Nationwide
(888) 662-8358