The PA State Police recently issued a press release that announced the arrest of 16,156 people for driving under the influence (DUI) last year. The number of 2008 arrests was 3% higher than 2007. Commissioner Frank E. Pawlowski stated that "the number of alcohol-related crashes investigated by state police dropped 3 percent last year to 4,665, while the number of fatalities resulting from those crashes dropped 9 percent from 165 to 150."
The PA State police credit Operation Nighthawk for their successful DUI campaign. The Operation provides troopers and municipal police with focused class room training resulting in immediate on the job patrols to identify and arrest operators who are operating under the influence. The PA State Police conducted two Operation Nighthawk sessions in 2008 and will do two or three in 2009.
The Office of National Drug Control Policy claims that drugs and alcohol cost taxpayers more than $300 billion annually in preventable health care costs, extra law enforcement, auto crashes, crime and lost job productivity. Mobile Medical Corporation's Random Drug Testing with Saliva Alcohol Testing can help employers to stem the costs of "working" under the influence. Pittsburgh, PA based Mobile Medical Corporation (MMC) is an industry leader in providing customized workplace drug and alcohol testing and credential tracking solutions. Contact MMC today and ask MMC about Instant Saliva Alcohol Testing!
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