Actual quotes from store clerks who have sold and even used the synthetic urine:
"I've never had anyone who did it right fail, including me." ... "Mine went through a lab, and I got my life insurance. I'm telling you, this stuff is amazing."
"I've got some synthetic urine, if you don't mind sneaking it in there, that passed every test that's thrown at it."
"Your synthetic would be the best way to go,"
Drug testing companies and authorities are catching on to this new rash of cheating. If a user is caught it is usually during the collection period as the temperature of the fake urine is usually not body temperature. Companies are cathcing on and can now analyze to see when the fake urine has been used in drug tests. A laboratory in Nashville concluded that in a sample testing performed on a target group - synthetic urine was used nearly 80 times in the past three years to try and beat drug tests.