MMC's medical professionals assess, treat and manage injuries occurring on the job. Our people play an integral part in our client's Health and Safety Risk Management Teams. Our team also performs drug and alcohol testing as well as occupational health testing including PFT's, FIT testing and blood lead testing.
Mobile Medical Corporation's on-site medical facilities helps clients to maintain control over Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recordable incidents as well as increase a teams productivity as our services help return workers to their jobs quicker.
Mobile Medical Corporation (MMC) is proud to be working on the following projects in conjunction with with these industry leading construction firms:
URS Washington Division
Merrimack Clean Air Project
Bow, New Hampshire
Clark Balfour Beatty
New Campus East Project
Springfield, Virginia
Clark/Hunt, A Joint Venture
San Antonio Military Medical Center- North
Fort Sam Houston, Texas
SNC Lavalin Constructors, Inc.
Astoria Energy
Astoria, New York
URS/Constellation Energy
Brandon Shores Scrubber (AQCS) Project
Brandon Shores, Maryland
With the Spring time approaching quickly contact us to see how Mobile Medical Corporation can substantially increase the safety standards and value of your upcoming construction projects!
Contact us today and mention this blog to receive MMC's on-site first aid and medical facility information package!
Merrimack Clean Air Project
Bow, New Hampshire
Clark Balfour Beatty
New Campus East Project
Springfield, Virginia
Clark/Hunt, A Joint Venture
San Antonio Military Medical Center- North
Fort Sam Houston, Texas
SNC Lavalin Constructors, Inc.
Astoria Energy
Astoria, New York
URS/Constellation Energy
Brandon Shores Scrubber (AQCS) Project
Brandon Shores, Maryland
With the Spring time approaching quickly contact us to see how Mobile Medical Corporation can substantially increase the safety standards and value of your upcoming construction projects!
Contact us today and mention this blog to receive MMC's on-site first aid and medical facility information package!
Toll Free: 888-662-8358 ext 107