Revisions to the DHHS Testing Guidelines include:
Lowering of the cut-off levels for cocaine and amphetamine testing.
- The new screening level for cocaine is set at 150ng/mL screening and the confirmation is set at 100 ng/mL.
- The new screening levels for amphetamines are set at 500ng/mL screening and the confirmation for methamphetamine and amphetamines are set at 250ng/mL.
Ecstasy (MDMA) will now be tested for and the screening cut-off for MDMA is now set at 500 ng/mL, with confirmation for MDMA, MDA, and MDEA at 250 ng/mL.
All Federal agency collections are to be split specimen collections which is a urine specimen procedure that is similar to DOT regulations.
For further information on these proposed drug testing changes please contact Mobile Medical Corporation (MMC) at 877-688-8358, email us or visit our website at www.mobmed.com