The ease that illegal controlled substances can be obtained through Doctor Shopping should not fall on deaf ears when it comes to pre-employment or workplace drug testing. Drugs such as Oxycontin are a couple of the major substances that addicts go after. OxyContin has become a target for diverters and abusers of controlled substances because of the larger amounts of the active ingredient in relation to other previous oxycodone products and the ability of abusers to easily compromise the controlled release formulation. Simply crushing the tablet can negate the timed effect of the drug, enabling abusers to swallow, inhale, or inject the drug, which is water soluble, for a powerful morphine-like high.
There have been many instances of pharmacies being robbed strictly for their supply of OxyContin. Investigations have uncovered organized rings of individuals diverting, selling and abusing OxyContin . Intelligence has also shown that foreign diversion is another source of the OxyContin being sold and used illegally in the United States.