A recent Cornell University study claims that construction firms that utilize drug testing reduce workplace injuries.
Among the study's findings:
- Construction companies that test for drugs may save substantially on their workers' compensation premiums. As a result of fewer job site accidents and injuries, the average drug-testing company in the study sample experienced an 11.41 percent reduction in its workers' compensation experience-rating modification factor. At the same time, companies in the study sample that did not employ drug testing saw no such decline.
- Seventy-two percent of the respondents at companies with drug-testing programs in place said they believed the benefits of drug testing outweighed the costs.
- The No. 1 reason why officials at the construction companies surveyed tested employees and job applicants for drugs was to promote worker and customer safety. Respondents believed that drug testing contributed positively to a company's image and was an effective deterrent to workplace drug abuse.
To read the rest of the survey click here.
When it comes to compliant and multi-leveled substance abuse testing programs for the construction industry, Pittsburgh Drug Testing firm Mobile Medical Corporation (MMC) offers a vast array of compatible screening solutions designed to meet any Drug Free Workplace initiative nationwide. MMC's certified collection technicians all pass a rigorous DATIA training course. MMC partners with the largest accredited laboratories in the nation which allows us to truly be involved from start to finish on every drug test we perform for our clients. All of Mobile Medical Corporation's laboratory partners are certified by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) to meet all strict government requirements.
Call MMC's Employer Substance Abuse Testing Hotline Today!1-888-662-8358