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Fall Safety Tips

As the weather changes, keep in mind some of the safety issues that come with the change in seasons. These tips will help you start off the season on a safer note.

1) Drive Carefully

Fall brings more driving hazards, wet pavement, darker roads earlier, falling leaves, and condensation. Take extra care when driving and allow for more time to get to destinations.

2) Service Furnace

Before the cold winter weather sets in, make sure to call your heating and cooling company to service your furnace. The technician will check for leaks and ensure that it is in working order.

3) Clear Walkways

Falling leaves and wet pavement doesn't just apply to the roads, your walkways are at risk too.

4) Flu Prevention

Protect your health. Get a flu shot, make sure to clean communal spaces, avoid contact with those who are sick, and try and stick to a healthy diet and exercise. Also practice frequent hand washing, cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze, and stay home if you get sick.

5) Test and Replace Batteries

The clocks "fall back" this season. With the time change it's also a great time to check the batteries in your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors.

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